Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Global Warming... More Like Humans Living

We have all watched, or at least heard of Al Gore's, "Inconvenient Truth" documentary about global warming. One problem I have with the whole global warming movement is that it has become a political movement. Democrats and republicans, liberals and conservatives, all have views on global warming with the left leaning for it and the right leaning against it. This has done a great disservice to all humans. It has created great anger and hostility for both sides when the whole issue should be a human issue.

Yes, I said global warming is not a global issue in the sense that we are saving the Earth. It is a human issue, that we should all be part of. Global warming promotes green cleaning, less non recyclable trash, better products that lower our carbon foot print, etc. Now that is all great, but what the global warming movement does not talk about is how all these products help humans. Yes, they help clean the Earth by not contributing to greater toxification, but what they also do is decrease toxicity to humans.

Humans are exposed to over 80,000 registered chemicals, not counting all the ones not registered. BPA is one of the most talked about toxins, which we know causes cancer, as well as a myriad of other symptoms and problems, most of which are associated with estrogen toxicity. Much of the toxins humans are exposed to are what we call endocrine disruptors. This simply means toxins mess with hormones, usually increasing estrogen in some way, and decreasing or suppressing testosterone by a whole number of mechanisms. We now know that toxins are contributing to type II diabetes and metabolic syndrome. There are reports that toxins are a major contributing factor in austism. High estrogen is associated with infertility, autoimmunity, cancer risk, etc. High estrogens are also associated with toxic exposure.

We as humans should all unite under one cause, a human cause to clean up the Earth. Not only should we detoxify our bodies, but we need to detoxify the Earth. Global warming is a great movement in that it promotes detoxification of the Earth, but the problem is that it is also a political movement. The political movement is killing the effectiveness of the movement.

It is my call to unite the people and join the human movement of living cleaner and creating a clean environment to live. Global warming is an Earth movement. Let's make it a human movement. Healthier humans are the key to a healthy Earth. If we do not promote health in humans, a clean Earth does not matter.

-Dr. Kurt

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