Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chronic Pain


Pain is a very complex entity. It can come in many different shapes and sizes. We have a pill for every type of pain people feel, and yet we are having a pain epidemic. We have pain syndromes, such as fibromyalgia, which translated to layman’s terms means muscle fiber pain. Muscle fiber pain! Pain is so complex we don’t even know what it is. So we call it a fancy name which means muscle fiber pain. Conventional/allopathic treatments options prove this. One common treatment for fibromyalgia is antidepressant medication. Does this make sense?

Pain is multifaceted. It combines three components of health; structure, biochemistry, and emotions. Structure is the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. making up the frame of the body. Biochemistry is the internal makings of the body; the ways we interact with food and everything in our environment. Finally, emotion is what we think, feel, and love. Emotion is our soul. Pain does not affect only one component of health. It is like a virus, and it infects all components of health.

Chronic pain requires all aspects of health to be addressed. As pain continues and becomes chronic, the emotional and biochemical components become more involved and infinitely more complicated. This is where a knowledgeable practitioner, one who addresses structure, biochemistry, and emotion, is needed. The cause needs to be found, addressed, and ultimately corrected.

How can the cause be found? The key to finding the cause is by having accurate, objective ways of assessment. Applied kinesiology is one assessment tool, when used objectively and scientifically, can accurately assess the structure and give powerful insight into ways to address the biochemistry and emotions. To accurately assess biochemistry a comprehensive history, labs, and physical assessment are all needed to completely understand and accurately treat. Once the body has been assessed in a way which addresses the three components of health, only then can the body begin to heal.

Remember, pain is not a single entity. It affects all aspects of health. It only makes sense to address all aspects of health in order to heal pain. Anyone who has, or is experiencing chronic pain understands how deep chronic pain cuts into all aspects of health. America has a fascination with covering up symptoms. This is evident as we are the most drugged nation in the history of the world. The truth of the matter is people are in pain. People are seeking answers. People are seeking solutions. Isn’t it time to seek out a practitioner who understands this and seeks the cause and real solutions? We don’t need more pills to cover up the pain. We need a means to address, understand, become educated, and eliminate pain. Please seek out doctors who want to understand you as a person, understand your condition, seek real answers, and offer a treatment to heal. Don’t accept treatments to cover symptoms. Take health back into your own hands and demand HEALTH care.

-Dr. Kurt Waples

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