Monday, July 2, 2012

Structural Emotions

The Interweaving of Emotions

Have you ever experienced a release of emotion and had no idea where it stemmed from? This is a frequent occurrence in my practice. I always understood that emotions are weaved into certain types of trauma, but didn't quite understand how they can be molded into all types of pain, structural issues, mental problems, etc. 

One place on the body which seems to hold a lot of emotion is the cranium. When adjusting the skull emotions can be released. Emotions can be released from any part of the body with almost any type of modality or treatment, but the skull seems to be a powerful epicenter. This does make sense, considering the brain is housed there. Almost all emotion seems to stem from the brain. It would only make sense that our body would compensate emotional overload with a structural change in order to obtain a new state of equilibrium. This compensation is a cranial subluxation.

In today's high tech medicine type world, there is no place for emotions, let alone emotional related structural problems. This is why most of my colleagues have no understanding of the emotional subluxation. An emotional subluxation is a misalignment or structural problem, which will not be 100% corrected until the emotional component has been released or addressed. This requires the body to unwind. Sometimes adjustments will contradict each other. When you take a step back, it makes sense. The body is unpredictable, so doesn't it make sense that it can unwind in an unpredictable way? YES.

Emotions are intertwined into the body. Emotions cut deep and form many layers. Unwind one layer, and there lies many more to be unwound. A perfect example of this emotional interweaving is a trigger point. When releasing a trigger point the pain will radiate, stay in one spot, be dull pain, be stabbing pain, change radiating patterns, move up and and down the body, change frequencies, tingle, go numb, etc. Emotions cut the same way into the body. 

Next time you are visiting your doctor for structural work and have an over abundance of emotions leave your body. Thank your doctor for having the right tools to unwind your body. You are better and more in touch with yourself after each layer removed.

-Dr. Kurt

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